- Season 1 - Corpsesmoker
Game : Mork Borg
Three heroes(?) seek their missing companions in a flesh and smoke filled journey across the Valley of the Unfortunate Undead.
- Season 2 - Beast of Kergus
Game : Mork Borg + Solitary Defilement
The once great knight, Ser Valden, embarks on a quest across the dying world to kill a witch before the world meets its end.

Exploring Death...
...as a storytelling philosophy.
Each season of this podcast will feature a TTRPG known for its high mortality rate. This includes games such as Mork Borg, Cy Borg, Death in Space, Frontier Scum, Call of Cthulu, Delta Green, Outcast Silver Raiders, Shadowdark, Cairn, and Reap. The players will not run headlong into death, but will welcome the storytelling moments afforded to them as they experience the death of their PC.
Music De-Composition...
Each season of You Will Yet Die will feature a soundtrack that is written, recorded, and performed by the cast of the show. Through this self expression of the players, the atmosphere of the show is remarkably personal.
Bands we like...
All Them Witches, Black Hill, Monolord, The Body, Thou, The Haxan Cloak, Bloodmist, Opal Vessel, Genghis Tron